DMX Is Already Trying To Get Off House Arrest
The judge for the case received a request from Murray Richman to let DMX off House Arrest to perform.
The judge denied the request to go to Atlanta in August because it came in way too late according to TMZ, but now it’s a matter if Probation officers will advise the judge to let him go.
Murray told TMZ that X has 15 kids, and that he needs to “feed them” aka “make a living.”
The reason that X is on house arrest was last week he failed some drug tests, and violated his bail conditions by leaving town without permission.
With 14 counts of tax evasion, DMX could be sentenced to 44 years in prison, so he better bank roll that money now, is all I’m saying.
If Amy Cooper were a jelly doughnut, she would be a ‘Sarcasm-filled Doughnut.’