103-Year-Old Woman Celebrates Recovering From Coronavirus With A Cold Bud Light
Bud Light just received one of the biggest compliments ever. Jennie Stejna, A 103-year-old woman out of Easton Massachusetts, recently survived a bout with coronavirus. And to celebrate, she had a cold one.
As USA Today explains, Stejna was the first person to test positive for coronavirus in her nursing home. “As Stejna’s condition worsened, they called to say what they thought were their final goodbyes. When asked whether Stejna was ready to go to heaven, she replied, ‘Hell yes.'”
But after a turn of events, her health improved and she recovered. As her grandson explains, “This feisty old Polish grandmother of ours officially beat the coronavirus.”
To celebrate, the staff at her nursing home gave her an ice-cold Bud Light to celebrate. It was something she loved but hadn’t had in a long time.
Her family adds about Jennie’s recovery, “We’re truly very thankful.”
The news we need right now. Your next beer is on us, Jennie. 💙 https://t.co/Y2qqBn6Bgn
— Bud Light (@budlight) May 27, 2020