Talkback for Sunday, April 30, 2023 General Hugh Shelton Camp (Guests Dr. Mark Kline and Instructor-Parent Rocio Cerna) plus Fayetteville-Cumberland County Reentry Council (Guests: Pastor Jessie Garner and Jermaine Dennings) Download

27:30 Download April 30th, 2023

e.t. 27:27

Good Morning….I’m Paul Johnson. Today is Sunday, April 30th.

We begin today with a question…and a notion! First, the question…

What fuels our dreams – the things we want to have happen in our lives! To most of us, the goal OF our lives is probably salvation…an assurance of eternal togetherness with our God, maker, Supreme Being. But what I’m asking today is what do we want IN our lives! And the answer there probably rooted in a better – or quality life – for the people we care about and love. Even the preamble to the Declaration of Independence refers to what it called Creator-given inalienable rights to all people – of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

So Today on Talkback we look for ways to help inspire those we SHOULD care about to achieve a better, higher quality life….and we’ll meet four people on our way!

The first two are from Methodist University, where they play a key role in a one-week experiential camp designed to bring out the best in concsious leadership development in rising 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders. The idea was inspired by a General in the U.S. Army who grew up in Tarboro, North Carolina and later graduated from NC State University in Raleigh. In the 38 years that followed, General Hugh Shelton built a distinguished military career….. He always attributed his success to what he called the basics he learned from his mom and dad! and Concieved a weeklong camp where young leaders could learn or reinforce the basics in their lives!


For the easiest sign-up process, get more information about signing up for this year’s session this June 11th through 16th, discuss it with the child, his or her parents with and paying for a child you love see, And please make your arrangement by May 15th if you can. It’s the same deadline for donating a scholarship to Methodist University for the General Hugh Shelton Camp!

The remaining two on our journey this Sunday morning for wishing well to people our community should care to help, we turn to Jessie Garner and a Cumberland County resident names Jermaine Dennings – who tell a different but equally compelling story. You see, a person who’s had an encounter with the justice system but who, after having paid his or her debt to society AND has a sincere desire to mend ways and follow a straight, narrow and productive path may needs our help in many ways we possibly haven’t considered to get a hand-up to becoming a person free to pursue his or her course to happiness. Since Before it’s creation as a state-sponsored and recognized group in 2017, Pastor Jessie Garner has headed up the Fayetteville Cumberland Reentry Council – the FCRC- Here’s a true story about how…and how well it works at reclaiming lives trying to get back on the path! seeking to reduce the barrier, stigma and challenges that individuals face when transitioning home. (Interview)

Thank you, Jessie Garner, for your Great work helping to reclaim productive lives from those previously incarcerated – through the Fayetteville Cumberland Reentry Council, housed in the NCWorks Career Center facility at 490 N. McPherson Church Rd in Fayetteville. To find out more encouraging news, On the web, see – that’s On Facebook it’s Fayetteville Reentry Council. On Facebook, Fayetteville Reentry Council. ATOSFT

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