Which State Has The Worst Driving Behavior? Well one thing I will say is, it isn’t the states you may think. When I think of bad driving behavior and bad driving etiquette, I typically think of states that have awful traffic. Massachusetts, New York, California are just three of the states that come to mind. Neither of these made the top 5 of Forbes’ list. Let’s take a look at how the list was compiled.
Forbes analyzed data in each state of behavior that they feel can cause accidents. Speeding, eating while driving, trying to beat yellow lights, texting while driving are just some of the key components they analyzed. You may be shocked to learn that Hawaii reigns supreme as the absolute WORST drivers and driving behavior. They actually scored a perfect 100 on the scale. It is the worst state for: Changing lanes or turning without signaling (20%) Speeding 20 mph or more over the limit (13%) Running a red light (8%), tied with Texas and Oregon.
As far as Massachusetts, they actually didn’t fair too badly. MA came in at #17 on the list with a score of 69.11. North Carolina didn’t even make the top 20. Nevada and Georgia didn’t make the top 20 either. But when it comes to the states with the worst driving behaviors, let’s take a look at the top 5.