POLL: Best Male R&B Group
It’s hard to resist the harmonies a group can bring to any track, and in the world of R&B, there are countless groups that have given us a ton of…

It’s hard to resist the harmonies a group can bring to any track, and in the world of R&B, there are countless groups that have given us a ton of hits that undoubtedly pop up on every playlist you make.
But which is the best male R&B group of all time?
Yes…we know it’s hard to just the best group for any decade, but we want to challenge you to really think about who had the biggest impact when it comes to R&B. Vote in the poll below!
Don’t see your choice represented? Pick “Other” and tell us who your pick is in the comments below.
<a href="https://polldaddy.com/poll/9775033/">Best Male R&B Group</a>
Erica Banas grew up on her parents’ Motown 45s. Her spirit animal is Diana Ross.