Ways To Burn Calories Without Going To The Gym
Think about all those goodies in the break room. Your lunch outing with coworkers. Your weekend shenanigans at the bar. All of those little nibbles and delicious plates add up. …

Think about all those goodies in the break room. Your lunch outing with coworkers. Your weekend shenanigans at the bar. All of those little nibbles and delicious plates add up.
But do you also hate going to the gym? Like, do you shiver in disgust just by the mere thought?
So many of us don't have the time with our job and family responsibilities. Some of us go out of our way to avoid the gym and others say it's just too tiring to make that trek to the gym after a long day at the office.
Whatever your excuse, it's still important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep your weight in check. We've compiled ways you can still burn calories, get your heart rate up and possibly work up a sweat -all without going to an actual fitness facility.
- Cook: Seems easy, right? When you are planning a meal, you typically have to make a run to the grocery store, get all your ingredients, bring them home and start cooking. You also move around the house grabbing items out of the cabinet. When you cook, you're moving a lot more than you think.
- Daily walk: If you aren't going to the gym, you can definitely carve out 30 minutes of your day to take a brisk walk around your neighborhood.
- High-Intensity-Interval-Training: So maybe you are a fitness fanatic but don't have the motivation to drive yourself to the gym. You can do HIIT in your own home or outside. HIIT is described as quick bursts of exercises followed by brief rest periods. The idea is to get your heart rate up and burn fat in a short amount of time. And all you need is 30 minutes!
- Stairs: Next time you are traveling, take the stairs in the airport. If your company is located on the second or third floor, take the stairs. And even in your own home, take the stairs. It's a workout you don't even realize you're doing!
- Clean: For you mom's out there, you know this is a calorie killer. Leaning over to get that grime out of your tile floor, bending in uncomfortable positions to shine the bathtub or constantly moving your arms and legs as you work your way through the house vacuuming will definitely leave you winded. Cleaning is a moms-go-to exercise!
- Sex: Stay busy between the sheets with your partner. According to Menshealth.com, men burn 100 calories in an average sex session, while women burn 69. Make love and shed some calories! Need we say more?
- Shopping: Whether it's window shopping or actual shopping, your feet are going and that's what counts. Exercising while buying your favorite products? We're on board! Who doesn't love the feeling of killing two birds with one stone?
- Crank up the AC: Studies have shown that chilly air promotes weight loss. According to Business Insider, your body is working harder to stay warm. This quick weight loss technique should still be supplemented with additional exercises and nutritional foods.
- Gum: We're not kidding! Chewing gum keeps your jaw in motion, allowing you to incinerate those unwanted calories and keep fatty foods out! Buy a few packs and get to chewin'! But just like the AC trick, don't rely on this completely to do the job!
Sarah Francis is a half-Palestinian journalism junkie, a proud Charlotte, NC native with an oversized sweet tooth, and an active world traveler. Ask her where she's headed next. (@Sarah_Francis25)