Michael Bay’s Documentary ‘We Are Storror’ Debuts to Standing Ovation
Perhaps best known for his blockbuster movies with over-the-top explosions or bringing the story of alien robots that can transform into a black and yellow Chevrolet Camaro, Michael Bay’s We Are Storror proved that the director isn’t just blowing up everything in sight. He’s also capable of making a documentary that will make you ask yourself if you have a fear of heights. Premiering to a standing ovation, We Are Storror offers an adrenaline-packed look at Storror, a seven-member team of parkour and free running athletes from the United Kingdom. We Are Storror Variety reported that Bay received loud applause, with audience members also chanting his name when introducing the movie. The members also standed to applaud at the end of the film when Bay and five of the seven Storror members left to head backstage. https://twitter.com/Variety/status/1898532437795160408 Consisting of two sets of brothers -- Max and Benj Cave and Callum and Sacha Powell -- Guinness world record holder Drew Taylor, 2015 and 2016 Ninja Warrior UK finalist Toby Segar, and Josh-Burnett-Blake, the documentary follows the team as they scale balconies and run across roofs. It also shows the camaraderie between the seven members. Per Christian Zilko of IndieWire, the film is “a compelling document of a friendship that shaped seven lives for the better.” Well, if every jump or stunt could result in face injuries or a bone sticking out of your leg, then the friends you share these death-defying experiences with are the ones you’ll rely on since likely they’ll be the first responders when you need to be rushed to the hospital. It All Started with Netflix’s 6 Underground Movie Bay first met the team when he hired them for his 2019 action movie, 6 Underground. Even if he wasn’t present in any of the documentary’s location filming, he did not pass up on the opportunity to be part of the documentary because of the members’ skill and ability to film themselves, even sometimes with the use of mouth cameras. During the Q&A, Bay said that he told the team, “I don’t care to know anything that you’re doing. I do not approve of it. What you’re doing is illegal. This is completely wrong. I’m not doing anything on this. I’m not a producer. I’m not a director, so forget my name, call me later, and I’ll look at the footage, and I’ll see if I license it.” Storror member Taylor said he knew the danger level of what they do is appealing, saying, “Part of the appeal of what we do is the lack of safety, the no permissions. We can’t do it any other way. If we had harnesses on, then we’re stuntmen. That’s not Storror. We do it for real.”